I have lived abroad before and I liked it. In my dreams I wanted to do it again. And itcame true – I am in a new role in warm country as of November!
Some 10 years ago, I participated in one HR managers meeting and we were asked to cut from magazines pictures to describe you who you want to be and especially in future.
I placed to shelf for some time, but some years ago I found it and and it has been near to my home work desk again. Also I have updated it with slogans and pictures later.

One moment I understood I have in many ways made those images, slogans to become true. I have move towards being more grounded, more self-assure and also at the same time offering back to community.
It is importantto have some dream, some vision, some goal and of course supportive people around you who also say to you – YES, do it, OF COURSE, why not!
Start with first steps to start dreaming:
- Take a notebook and write down your dreams, be bold. For some people also pictures are useful – so you also can try magazine cuts
- Write all your dreams in present -ie I am person who enjoys life every day, I am magnet of happiness, I am surrounded by wonderful people
- Or write them with due date– ie in 2 years time I have paid all my loans, in 1 year I have learned new language.
Important is first to clarify what you want with your state of mind. And also remind about them every day and start moving towards this direction.
DO NOT FORGET – You have all it in you, just find it. If hard alone, talk to coach, reach out to me 😉.
REMEMBER to follow your excitement at any given moment. Celebrate the present moment and watch how life transforms right before your eyes. Every day zou can find something positive to celebrate.

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