We all are the authors of our destiny book or captains of our ship of life, where you can influence how your life will be. How to lead it so that it moves towards positive goal and is not stopped?
Natalie Ledwell (Mindmovies) has summarised it so:
To Succeed Big, Start Small
She explained it in 4 square wich are familiar but explaining well how to succeed to reach the goal:

Approach #1 - Think small. Start big. Because there are no big dreams to drive you forward, this approach is uninspiring. If you’re thinking small, then starting big just confuses you as there’s nothing big to achieve.
Approach #2 - Think small. Start small. Here we have simple adn due to that uninspiring goals. You know you can set and achieve them and you do. They leave you general in same spot, present moment and not take you further.
Approach #3 - Think big. Start big. If you start too big, then you quickly become overwhelmed by all there is to do at once and you get dissapointed or stuck.
Approach #4 - Think big. Start small. This is the smart way to start. A big vision that keeps you motivated and in the game with small steps so that you’re not overwhelmed or frustrated.
How to start then your successful movie or how to be captain of your ship?
The first thing you need to do is create a big goal that inspires you, what YOU really want to have. The best is to write it down and be specific.
After identifying the goal, start with steps you can - in case you want new job, start to improve the skills what you need to have in the new role; in case you want to start your business, list what you need to have for it - with whom to do it, what is the investment; or in case you want to clean up your house, start with one shelf :).
In case you need help to identify the steps, reach out and lets make it happen!

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