Why is it so that sometimes we feel like we have energy to do everything, we know what we want. And then there are moments when we think - we would like to, but we don't have power to act; we would like to, but there is no internal push to make it happen?

I believe we all have had these moments. Of course, it's great to be in the state where everything seems to work out - you have a goal and you are moving towards it. Your back is straight, you feel great... and for real. Not just for others.
And then there are moments when you think you want to, but there is no motivation, no push. Whether it's starting or ending an activity, making a decision, dealing with your own well-being - weight, physical activity, time management. There's no motivation to start acting. We know we should but.....
What is this BUT, or what is this reason for postponement. Could the obstacle be some of your own thoughts that do not help you from this picture:

To overcome these thoughts, it helps to have a discussion with yourself or if needed with friend, coach or mentor, about why I am thinking this way, wouldn't it be better to say to yourself:
- I have a lot of knowledgeand experience that others don't have
- I start with small steps and move towards my goal
- I stick to a plan to accomplish what I want
If you are at a low point and lack motivation to start with the actions you need to, the asnwers to following questions will help:
- By what time do I want to achieve my plan?
- What are the steps I need to take to achieve this?
- How can I move towards the plan already from today or tomorrow?
I am also ready to be your partner on this path to find clarity and the impetus to move forward in yourself - get in touch!
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